A recent assignment that we had to do in BFA was to draw ten people out in the real world in conversations. Then we had to draw them as animals. After that, we had to draw the same situation, but 20 min later! On this part, we were given the choice of having them as people or animals. This was such an awesome assignment and I was almost jumping in my seat when they mentioned it! I couldn't wait to get my hands dirty.
I think I had a lot more fun drawing the animals than drawing the humans... Hope you guys enjoy! :)
I forgot to post the wolf character design that I went with last semester! Oops...here she is, in all her silly glory.
To my surprise, I also got a good response of the diva in the huge sheep coat and the wolf nun. It was such a great and wonderful oppertunity in working on this project. I learned so much about character design that I can use in my future works.
Today, me and my friends were able to go to the Oakland Zoo! Boy, have I missed going...it was tons of fun going and drawing the animals, but I think one of the highlights is hearing some of the funniest things a parent could say to their kids about how much they think they know about animals.
Here are some of the animal sketches.
Some drawings of Lilford Cranes, two Hamerkops on the top, and some drawings of meerkats...how that gesture of some kids ended up on this page is anyone's guess...
Next up are some bats! They're pretty cool to study up close and the way they climb around upside-down is fascinating to watch.
A couple of zebras and green monkeys that were fed some fruit during feeding time...those things they ate were almost as big as their heads!
I remember drawing these giraffes last year. Always liked how they sit down and when they drank water, they had to spread their front legs apart in order to get to the water. Oh yeah, and some random ducks that always seem to be in the section for some odd reason...
I love goats...except when they try to chew on your things...
PIGS!!! I was excited by these smelly beasts for some reason that escapes me...
Crocs...barely move when they're basking in the sun...or floating on the water's surface. It's really interesting to see how the water makes them look smaller than they really are on the surface, but when you look under the water...they are HUGE!
And the noisy stars of this year...those chimpanzees!
Our first assignment for BFA was to make an intro video. A large group of us got together and decided to work on a group intro video as well. Here is the video in all it's glory. Many thanks to the people that let me join in this fun and exciting music video.